What If, Anyway I Found Myself In The Kitchen

What if, anyway

I found myself in the kitchen

Found my way in

Its whispering seduction calling my name

What if, anyway

I landed there, like a jump on the ice,

Believing I was good enough

Believing, I was enough

What if, anyway

I could feel

Drenched in the waters

Potential realized

Like the magenta radish beneath the earth


Like lettuce leaves hugging each other, raindrops dancing on their tongues of


Garden party of my soul

 I let go

Like tomatoes ready to burst with their essence, their gifts

And potential realized

Their gentle giving up

Believing, trust

They will land when they fall

No longer clinging to their vines

No longer an option

Ready now

What if, anyway

A different day

I found myself in the kitchen

The thirst hunger longing be-longing

All the longings satisfied in that little room

My sanctuary to feed and fill my many hungers

That a good time provides

Nature has no judges

No judges live here without their cloaks

No harsh inner critics

No boundaries

In the fresh open air that feeds hungry, thirsty spirits of longing

Gone numb so long ago

No judges at all here

In my world

Where anything is possible now

And I can take flight

What if, anyway

Soft children’s fingers on tender skin

Sharing a tomato

Hand on hand

Holding it



So sweet

As life should be

All along

And basket for the food pantry

Who is hungry and who is full

Of longing and desire

Laughter personified in this land of garden

Loud and lingering

And in silence

We touch share taste feel

Our breath

And what we were meant to feel nourish and birth

The giftings within each of us

We help each other

Build each other up

Instead of tear down

Safe softness


Nectar tickling on our tongues


Shared laughter loud and round

Like a ball bouncing

It belongs

With us in between inhaling the lavender, petting the parsley, hands touching,

Bodies swaying, hair intertwined,

Together with our calling, the earth, each other

As it should be

Sweet fruits, our nectar unwrapped

Unwrapping my childhood here

It was always there

My fruits

To land here

The lure of the kitchen

The beginning of it all

Its void

Innocent and empty

Sweet seduction calling

What if, anyway

I found it

Loud and strong

The pull

Calling my name

And, why not? Why not, me?

The complete earth

Slipping through my fingers and not away

Caressing the dreams of my youth

That I belong

Whispering praises of yes, yes, child

What if, anyway

Hillary Marra